- Animal Biology Graduate Group Student
Major Professor: Anita Oberbauer
Home Department: Animal Science
- Ph.D. Animal Biology, UC Davis-2019
- M.S. Universidade Federal Fluminse Brazil - 2013
- DVM - Universidade Federal Fluminse Brazil - 2008
Dissertation Title
Gershony, L., Penedo, M.C.T., Davis, B.W., Murphy, W.J., Helps, C.R., Lyons, L.A. co-author "Who's behind that mask and cape? The Asian Leopards Cat's Agouti (ASIP) allele affects coat colour phenotype in the Bengal cat breed. Animal Genetics, c.45(6),p.893-897, 2014
Breitenbuecher, C.; Belanger, J.; Levy, K.; Mundell, P.; Fates, V.; Gershony, L.; Famula, T.; Oberbauer, A. Protein Expression and Genetic Variability of Canine Can f 1 in Golden and Labrador Retriever Service Dogs. Canine Genetics and Epidemiology, v.3, 2016
Bastos, B.F., Brener, B., Gershony, L., Willi, L., Labarthe, N., Pereira, C., Mendes-deAlmeida, F. Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii (Nicole & Manceaux, 1909) and retroviral status of client-owned pet cats (Felis catus, Linnaeus, 1758) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Journal of the São Paulo Institute of Tropical Medicine, v.53(3), p.201-203, 2013
Mendes-de-Almeida, F., Crissiuma A.L, Gershony, L.C., Willi, L.M.V., Paiva, J. P., Guerrero, J., Labarthe, N.V. Characterization of ectoparasites in an urban cat (Felis catus Linnaeus, 1758) population of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Parasitology Research (1987. Internet), v.108, p.1431 - 1435, 2011
Crissiuma, A., Favacho, A., Gershony, L.C., Mendes-de-Almeida, F., Gomes, R., Mares-Guia, A., Rozental, T., Barreira, J., Lemos, E., Labarthe, N. Prevalence of Bartonella species DNA and antibodies in cats (Felis catus) submitted to a spay/neuter program in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, v.13, p.149 - 151, 2011