For an archive of previous years' accomplishments.
December 2015
- Lee, S., Haller, Liran., & Hung, S., Effect of Feed Restriction on Salinity Tolerance in White Sturgeon (Acipenser Transmontanus) Comp. Biochem. Physiol Part A
Fellowships, Awards & Grants
- Madeline Kinsey selected as 2016 California Sea Grant State Fellow
November 2015
- Berryhill, G., Trott, J., Hovey, R., Mammary Gland Development-It's Not Just About Estrogen- J Dairy Sci
- Bolek, K., Klasing, K., Immunoglobulin Knockout Chickens Lack Detectable Circulating IgA in Response to Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin Vaccination- FASEB
- Tresoldi, G., Weary, D.M., Pinheiro Machado Filho, L.C., con Keyserlingk, M.A.G., Social Licking in Pregnant Dairy Heifers. Animals, 2015
Fellowships, Awards & Grants
- Noe Gomez awarded the CA ARPAS Memorial fund Scholarship
- Tawny Scanlan received the Gates Millennium Scholarship
October 2015
- Li, J., Kueltz, D., Pham, T., Population -specific renal proteomes of marine and freshwater three-spined sticklebacks. J Proteomics
Fellowships, Awards & Grants
- Noe Gomez awarded the CA ARPAS Memorial fund Scholarship
- Carlyn Peterson awarded the Alexander J. Kutches Memorial Schloarship
September 2015
- Moraes, L., Fadel, J., Kebreab, E., Modeling the trade-off between diet costs and methane emissions: A goal programming approach. J Dairy Sci
Fellowships, Awards & Grants
- Noe Gomez awarded the Burnand-Partridge Foundation Scholarship Fund for 2015-16
- Noe Gomez awarded the University of California, Davis Campus Fee Grant 2015-16
- Vanessa Dahl awarded the Center for Equine Health grant 2015-16
- Kelly Mitchell awarded the California Dairy Research Foundation (CDRF) Fellowship 2015-16 also funded by Biomin and Stuhr Enterprises
- Garas, L., Murray, J., featured on Cornell Alliance for her project on the Lysozyme Goats.
August 2015
- Lee, S., Haller, L.Y. Verhille, C., Fadel, N.A., and Hung, S.S.O. Effect of feed restriction on salinity tolerance in white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part A 188: 156-167
- Cooper, C.A., Maga, E.A., and Murray, J.D. (2015). Production of human lactoferrin and lysozyme in the milk of transgenic dairy animals: Past, present and future. Transgenic Research 24:605-614. DOI 10.1007/s11248-015-9885-5
Fellowships, Awards & Grants
- Brittany Bjelde awarded the Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Scholarship Award for 2015-16
- Yanina Bogliotti awarded the Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Scholarship Award for 2015-16
- Kevin Bolek awarded the Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Scholarship Award for 2015-16
- Caitlin Donovan awarded the Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Scholarship Award for 2015-16
- Liza Crissiuma Gershony awarded the Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Scholarship Award for 2015-16
- Noe Gomez awarded the Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Scholarship Award for 2015-16
- Jill Hagey awarded the Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Scholarship Award for 2015-16
- Johnathon Li awarded the Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Scholarship Award for 2015-16
- Delia Soto awarded the Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Scholarship Award for 2015-16
- Grazyne Tresoldi awarded the Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Scholarship Award for 2015-16
- Marcela Vilarino awarded the Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Scholarship Award for 2015-16
- Kelly Zacanti awarded the Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Scholarship Award for 2015-16
June 2015
- Giuseppe, V., Mench, J.,Dustbathing behavior: Do ectoparasites matter?,2015.06.001
- Giuseppe, V., Mench, J., Relationships between beak condition, preening behavior and ectoparasite infestations levels in laying hens in Poultry Science. Poultry Science 00:01-11
- Cussen, V, Mench, J., The Relationship between Personality Dimensions and Resiliency to Environmental Stress in Orange-Winged Amazon Parrots (Amazona amazonica), as Indicated by the Development of Abnormal Behaviors
- DOI: 10.13701/journal.pone/0126170
May 2015
- Hughes, J., Berger, T., Development of Apical Blebbing in the Boar Epididymis.
- Moraes, L., Kebreab, E., Fadel, J., Multivariate and univariate analysis of energy balance data from lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci
- Bogliotti, Y., Ross, P., Comparison of different fertilisation media for an in vitro maturation-fertilisation-culture system using flow-cytometrically sorted X chromosome-bearing spermatozoa for bovine embryo production.
Fellowships, Awards & Grants
- Vanessa Dahl awarded the Center for Equine Health grant
April 2015
- Reed, K.F., Moraes, L.E., Casper, D.P., Kebreab, E., (2015) Predicting nitrogen excretion from cattle. J Dairy Sci 98: 3025-3035 10.3168/jds. 2014-8397
- Reed, K.F., Moraes, L.E., Fadel, J.G., Casper, D.P., Dijkstra, J., France, J., Kebreab, E., Predicting nitrogen use in dairy cattle: A multivariate Bayesian approach. Animal Production Science. Animal Production Science 54 (12)1918-1926
- Katleba, K., Legacki. E., Conley, A., Berger, T., co-author "Steroid regulations of early postnatal development in the corpus epididymidis of pigs" . DOI: 10.1530/JOE-15-0001
March 2015
- Legacki, E., Nitta-Odda, B., Berger, T., author "Porcine Sertoli Cell Proliferation after Androgen receptor Inactivation".DOI: 10.1095/biolreprod.114.125716
Fellowships, Awards & Grants
- Johnathon Li awarded the Hart, Cole, Goss Fellowship (Spring 2015)
February 2015
Fellowships, Awards & Grants
- Hughes, J., awarded an American Society of Andrology Travel Award
January 2015
- Buell, M., Ross, P., (2015) "cAMP modulation during sheep in vitro oocyte maturation delays progression of meiosis without affecting oocyte parthenogenetic developmental competence"
- Haller, L., Lee, S., Hung, S., Fadel, T., (2015) Effect of the Nutritional Status on the Osmoregulation of Green Sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) in Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. Physiology and Biochemical Zoology Vol. 88 No. 1
- Gularte-Merida, R., Famula, T., Medrano, J., (2015) coauthor "Overlapping mouse subcongenic strains successfully separate two linked body fat QTL on distal MMU 2"
Fellowships, Awards & Grants
- Bogliotti, Y., Ross, P., awarded first place in the International Embryo Transfer Society foundation Graduate Student Research competition which was held in Versailles, France for her work entitled, "Developmental outcomes and efficiency of two CRISPR/Cas9 microinjection methods in bovine zygotes